Saturday, December 8, 2012

Venue Review

Postingan kali ini ditujukan kheseus untuk mereview tahap 1 dalam perencanaan Wedding: Menentukan Venue. Saat survey venue,  bberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan yaitu:
1. Kapasitas Gedung VS Jumlah Undangan (termasuk kapasitas parkir juga ya)
2. Tema/Konsep Yang Dipilih (Untuk nentuin mau pake Venue Indoor, Semi Outdoor, atau Full Outdoor)
3. Budget (Pastinyaaah sodara-sodara)
4. Fasilitas Ruangan (Tempat akad nikah, ruang rias (minimal 2), musholla, toilet yang okeh punya)
5. Fasilitas Lain (Batas waktu pemakaian venue, AC, listrik, kursi, petugas keamanan dan parkir, ijin   kepolisian) 
6. Biaya Tambahan (Denda kelebihan waktu pemakaian venue, uang kebersihan, uang keamanan)
7. Lain-Lain

Beberapa tempat yang sempat saya survei adalah: Maxi's Resto , Graha Tirta Siliwangi ,The Kartipah , dan Bumi Samami Tempat-tempat tadi mampu untuk menampung jumlah undangan yang direncanakan (Rencana awal: 1000 undangan, mostly pastinya undangan dari orangtua Adit dan saya. Yayaya, anak mah nurut-nurut ajah lah). Untuk konsep, dari awal kita pengennya Garden Party tapi orangtua punya pertimbangan lain, terutama tentang cuaca yang takutnya tidak bersahabat. Jadi kita juga survey indoor venue sebagai alternatif. Berikut rinciannyah.

Maxi's Resto

Maxi's Resto
Venue ini udah sering dibahas di postingan sebelumnya. well, this place  is the chosen one :)

Untuk pemakaian resepsi selama 4 jam, ada 2 paket yang bisa diambil:
1. Silver Package RP 105.000,00 nett/pax
    Main Buffet (Beef, Chicken, Fish, 2 Side Dishes, Vegetable)
    Food Stall (Soup, Salad, Dessert, Beverages)
    Mineral Water
2. Gold Package Rp 178.000,00 nett/pax All Stall service (12 Stalls)
    Beef, Chicken, Fish, Asian, (Each With Side Dish and Vegetable), Soup, Salad, Dessert, Beverages
    Pizza Corner, Pasta (2), Chocolate Fountain, Waffle/Pancake (30% dari jumlah pemesanan)
    Mineral Water

*Ada berbagai pilihan menu untuk stall tambahan

Untuk Pemakaian akad nikah selama 2 jam, diharuskan memesan minimal 100 pax Coffe Break 
seharga RP 36.000,00 nett/pax (Sweet, Salty, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Creamer, Mineral Water)

Harga-harga  diatas SUDAH termasuk ppn 15% yah. 

Venue Gratis (Disini sistemnya beli makanan dapet venue) yaitu seluruh taman, ruang kaca, dan 1/2 restauran utama (Karena saya pesen buat 1000 pax). Jadi konsepnya adalah Semi Outdoor
*Kalo kita order RP 125.000.000,00 restoran bakal ditutup buat umum
Kursi, flooring kayu, genzet 50 kva
Ijin kepolisian, uang keamanan+kebersihan, 
Tempat akad nikah, ruang rias (2), musholla, toilet 

Tempat parkir kecil (kapasitas 150 mobil)
Ruang rias tidak terlalu besar 
Sound system maks. 5000 watt (volume musik tidak boleh terlalu keras)
Tidak boleh membawa makanan utama dari luar
Food stall dari luar dikenakan charge 30% (Max. 4 stall), diharuskan menyewa cuttleries dari Maxi's 

Maxi's Resto
Jalan Gunung Agung 8 Ciumbuleuit Bandung
0222032666 (Pak Yayan/Mas Adam)

Graha Tirta Siliwangi

Graha Tirta Siliwangi
Siapin RP 50.000.000,00 untuk Sewa Gedungnya ajah
Waktu penggunaan Siang 10.00-14.00; Malam 18.00-22.00

Luas 52x26 m (1352m, kapasitas 1500 orang (Standing Party)
AC standing 7.5 PK (12 unit, listrik 10.000 watt, 
Kursi 100 buah, r. rias, toilet, musholla
Keamanan dan kebersihan secara umum
Area parkir

Graha Tirta Siliwangi
Jalan Lombok no. 10 Bandung

The Kartipah

Gold Rose Package Rp 52.000.000,00 (300 pax)
Silver Orchid Package Rp 73.000.000,00 (500 pax)
White Lily Package Rp 99.000.000,00 (750 pax)

Masing-masing paket dapet Appetizer, soup, beef/lamb/chicken, fish, side dish, vegetable, dessert, mineral water

Tiap paket beda2, tapi overall dapet:
Pilih venue Main House atau Garden
2 Complimentary room+breakfast
Waktu pemakaian venue dari pagi hingga pkl 22.00
Standard flower decor, sound system, lighting, 2 sahara tent
Genset 60 kv
Tempat parkir, musholla, toilet, ijin kepolisian

The Kartipah Guest & Wedding House
Jalan Ir. H. Juanda no. 319 B Bandung

Bumi Samami

Mini Golf Area
Pool Side Area

Pool Side (Kapasitas sampai 500 orang)
Rp. 12.000.000 untuk siang
Rp 13.000.000 untuk malam
Mini Golf (Kapasitas sampai 1000 orang)
Rp. 14.000.000 untuk siang
Rp 15.000.000 untuk malam
*Pemakaian untuk siang max hingga pkl 15.00; malam max pkl 21.00

Pemakaian tempat selama 6 jam, kelebihan perjam di charge Rp 1.000.000
Menginap satu kamar di Wisma Bumi Samami, 1 Malam gratis untuk pengantin
Ruang akad nikah selama 2 jam (untuk penyewaan mini golf area)
Ruang rias pengantin (pada saat acara berlangsung)
Ruang rias pager ayu, pager bagus, dan keluarga (pada saat acara berlangsung)
Petugas keamanan (satpam, hansip, polisi) serta parkir, ijin kepolisian
Kebersihan area sebelum acara
Genset up to 130 KVA (max.10 jam)
Vendor catering boleh dari mana saja dengan charge kebersihan  RP 300.000,00
Vendor tenda ditentukan  (Ten Party atau Amijaya) diluar itu dikenakan charge kebersihan tenda dan charge dekorasi masing-masing RP 300.000,00

Semoga Bermanfaat :D



Monday, December 3, 2012

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, But hey, i prefer colorful gems, such as blue sapphire or emerald. What do you think?
Inspired By Kate Middleton's Ring 

*A kiss on the hand may be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
A kiss may be grand

but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat
Or help you at the automat
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear shape these rocks don't lose their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend

-Marilyn Monroe



Premarital Check Up

Salah satu hal crucial untuk bride and groom to be adalah tes kesehatan pra nikah. Mengutip dari Prodia idealnya  tes ini dilakukan kurang lebih 6 bulan menjelang the BIG day. Disebutkan bahwa Premarital Check-Up adalah sekumpulan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk memastikan status kesehatan kedua calon mempelai, terutama untuk mendeteksi adanya penyakit menular, menahun, atau diturunkan yang dapat mempengaruhi kesuburan pasangan maupun kesehatan janin. Dengan melakukan Premarital Check-Up berarti Anda dan pasangan dapat melakukan tindakan pencegahan terhadap masalah kesehatan terkait kesuburan dan penyakit yang diturunkan secara genetik.

Disarankan Premarital Check-Up dilakukan 6 bulan sebelum menikah dengan pertimbangan jika ditemukan masalah pada hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan kedua calon mempelai, masih cukup waktu untuk konseling dan memutuskan penanganan yang tepat terhadap penyakit yang diderita. Namun jika tidak memungkinkan 6 bulan sebelum menikah, kapan pun sebelum pernikahan dilangsungkan, Anda bisa melakukan Premarital Check-Up.
Ibu saya seorang dokter gigi yang sangat parnoan dan suka melakukan diagnosa ekstrem terhadap gejala-gejala penyakit (baca: rada lebay sedikit, but i love you for that, mom :* ). Ceritanya, salah satu temen ibu di RS(which also a dentist) mau nikahin anaknya di awal tahun. Ternyata pas pemeriksaan kesehatan jeng jeng jeng jeeeeng, doi kena virus tokso (bahaya nya buat ibu hamil:keguguran ato anak tidak akan lahir sempurna, duh amit2)  pdhl ybs ga melihara ato suka maen sm binatang, misal kucing ( virus tokso demen berkembang biak dalam usus kucing dan menyebar lewat pupnya. EWH. Thanks God, i'm not a cat person )dan pasti untuk penyembuhannya memerlukan waktu.

Ibu saya super parno, karena di tempat tinggal saya sekarang ( di rumah kakaknya ibu di Jakarta) sempet melihara kucing. Tapi karena saya alergiakut (Kulit gatel-gatel, mata perih dan berair, bersin terus-menerus)maka si kucing pun dibuang (Tenang, kucingnya kucing kampung biasa ko, bukan kucing elite. Maaf ya cing, semoga kamu dapet tempat yang lebih baik. Akhirnya, H-10 bulan pun saya disuruh Premarital check up  dengan alasan kalo (amit2nya nih)menderita penyakit tertentu, bisa pengobatan dulu sebelum nikah. 

Untuk pemeriksaannya, saya menggunakan jasa Prodia. Berikut detail harga untuk paketnyah. 

Paket Premarital

Untuk Pria, cukup melakukan pemeriksaan Lab. seharga RP 917.000 aja. Udah mencakup Hematologi rutin (pemeriksaan sel darah),gambaran darah tepi, HB HPLC, Badan Inklusi HbH, Urine Rutin, Gol. darah+Rhesus, Glukosa, HBsAg, VDRL/RPR.   Sedangkan untuk wanita, harga tadi ditambah lagi RP 1.543.000, diskon 10% untuk pemeriksaan Rubella, Toxo, dan CMV.Paket Kheseus Wanita

Selain paket standar, ibu saya minta pemeriksaan yang lebih lengkap, Selain pemeriksaan Rubella, Toxo, dan CMV igG, ditambah juga pemeriksaan igM nya ( pasrah dan nurut aja sama ibu, saya juga ga ngerti) ditambah lagi pemeriksaan Herpes. Jadi total setelah dikson RP 1.634.600,00 (Belum termasuk pemeriksaan Lab seharga Rp 917.000,00 itu ya) Jadi kalo di total keseluruhan untuk pria dan wanita, Rp 917.000,00 (x2) ditambah Rp 1.634.600 (kalkulator manah kalkulator) adalah Rp 3.468.600. Ditambah uang parkir dan buat jajan bakso, siapin lah sekitar RP 3.500.000 untuk budget premarital check up ini. Oia, sebelum pemeriksaan Lab, puasa dulu minimal 10 jam untuk nge-detect berapa glukosa puasa kita. 

Hasil pemeriksaan selesai setelah kurang lebih lima hari kerja, bisa minta dikirim via email atau ke alamat rumah. Praktis banget kan, gausah bolak-balik.  

Sekian infonya. Semoga bermanfaat :))



What's Your Big Theme and Color Palette?

Choosing a big theme and color palette in advance is important because it will define at least the next 3 big things: decoration, bridal, and invitation. Here, i'd like to share my kind of wedding dream theme.

1. Casual-Chic Semi Outdoor Wedding
The chosen one: Maxi's Resto. Why? this place's been one of my fave resto since i was in college. Besides the naturally pretty scenery, the food is also mouthwatering. Review on this venue will be posted later.

The Chosen One :) 
Maxi's At Night
Filleto Ala Maxi's :9
Salmon Jubille :9
For RP 105.000,00 nett/pax you'll get a set of Western Buffet ( Beef, Chicken, and Fish, each with various option plus 2 side dishes and vegetables) and 4 stalls (Salad, Soup, Dessert, and Beverages including mineral water). If it isn't enough, you're very welcome to  add more stalls. The venue itself is free for 4 hours. For extra 2 hours usage(akad nikah) you will be charged Rp 36.000,00 nett/pax for at least 100 pax of snacks (Salty and Sweet, each with various option, Coffe, Tea, Creamer, Sugar, and Mineral Water) . The security and  sanitation fee is free of charge, though.

2. Pastel Fiesta
I'm currently obsessed with pastel color, especially mint green and dusty pink. However,  Mint green will be the next big things in 2013 wedding trends.  My tips, you can get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest. Look what i've found below. Click here for more info.

Color Palette 1
Color Palette 2 
Color Palette 3 
Pastel Fiesta 
 So yes, my palette will be pastel chic with a hint of gold to avoid paleness. Axioo is another option to seek for an inspirational wedding theme and color palette.

A Combination of Mint Green, Dusty Pink, SkyBlue, Ivory, And Antique Gold. 
Tres Belle :)

Meet Pastel Familyon The Table Set
Pretty, But Too Pale I Think

2. Love Birds
Another 2013 wedding trend is bird. It gives you a natural and beauty tip on your decoration. The right pastel color will help to set the tone. This may vary from bird nest, birdcage, or even feathery thingy. 
Colorful Bird
Bird's Cage
 Using RED STAMP Application From my phone. The Template Is Ready and Free
3.  Lantern
Since my wedding will be held at night, extra lights will be required. Place some lantern in several spots and it will immediately give you a romantic atmosphere. 

Flowery Lantern
Directly Gives You a Romantic Touch
4. Wooden Material
A touch of wood is perfect for your outdoor wedding. One word: Natural and Vintage (well that's two words :p ) 
Wood Sign
Wooden Material: Vintage Romance 
I haven't met the right decoration vendor (due to their overpriced budget, yuck!) but at least i've already had the concept. Tell you soon if i've found the right one. So, that's all that i can share now. Bubbye. 

P.S: Visit Martha Stewart Weddings for planning your BIG day. Happy Reading, folks :)



Saturday, December 1, 2012

Wedding Costing Part 1

One of the most complicated part on planning your BIG day is about the costing. We should really concern about the maximum benefit at the minimum cost, as stated on the basic principles of economics. Those moments will only happen once in a life time, hopefully, and sure we want it to be unforgettable and spectacular. Many couples spend a really, i mean REALLY BIG BUCKS onto their wedding. But for me, i want to keep it as low as possible, so we still have some to spend in the future, let's say for our house and car. Therefore, my friend. You need strategy. 

Here, i'd like to share some tips regarding to how to reduce your wedding cost. First thing to do is Budget Allocating for your "W" thingy. It may varies on every couple, depends on your priority.  But i guarantee, about 45% should be allocated to Venue and Catering. The second important thing for me is bridal and make up. So, let's put 10%-15% on this thing. Then, you can allocate 10% each for entertainment and photo+videography. Every couples have their own concern, so please modify those numbers according to your needs. Click  here to use the wedding budget calculator for free. 

Reduce The Number Of the Invited Guests 
I know it's hard for us, Indonesian to make a simple and intimate wedding party. Looks like it becomes a tradition to invite guest as much as possible, mostly from family and your parents relatives, and of course friends and colleagues, and co-workers. Start to make an intimate scale from those list and if possible, do the cutback. 

Invitation and Souvenir

Survey several invitation vendors, and you can choose the ready stock design. It doesn't have to be on a big size, but you should rather play with the material, color, motif, texture, font, and accent to make it slightly different with the previous one. 

You can also explore your creative side by creating your own wedding invitation. If you don't have the template,  ask your friend who good at this thing for help or search printable wedding invitation on the internet, for FREE. Once again, HAIL TECHNOLOGY!YIPPIE!! 

I want my invitation to be simple and cost friendly, so the second alternatives is a YES. Besides that, digital wedding invitation could also reduce the cost. For example, use Facebook, email, or even create your own wedding blog to spread the news. Don't forget the RSVP :)

Classic Style RSVP 


The more the merrier. But with more guest comes great responsibility, which is feed them with the best dishes. RSVP will help you predict how many guest will come which is related to how many dishes that you should provide, maybe not in a precise number, but it will help. 

Fun Photo Booth

For souvenir, choose something with valuable function so that your gift wont ended up in a trash can. For alternatives,choose mirror, sewing kits, notes, key chain, photo frame,or accessories box.  Another option, photo booth can be a great idea, because it fun, simple, and your guest affirmatively could pose as crazy as possible with several properties and your initial on the photos of course. 

Venue and Decoration
Beautiful Flowers on The Table Set

Choose a naturally beautiful wedding venue so you shouldn't allocate too much budget for decorating. Simple but elegantly romantic will be my choice to decorate the outdoor wedding on Maxi's Resto . Artificial flower will give you an advantage on the economic side but please choose the type and color carefully,  so it doesn't look cheap. 

Bring Out Your Creative Ideas

But still, 100% artificial isn't good enough, so choose local fresh flower for decorating severeal spots that matter the most. Mix the decoration with lampione, candle, balloons, wooden material, candies, cupcakes, or even the Do It Yourself ornament. Don't forget to define the big theme and color palette. 

Cute Sweet Corner
Besides the bride and the groom, food also become the center of attention. So prepare the best dish that you can afford. Allocate the buffet for more food stall. At least you should have 6 stalls more or less, including dessert and beverages. Choose uncomplicated yet interesting food for your dishes. Live cooking is a great choice to attract more guest.

Divide the buffet for at least 4 section: VIP, family, and 2 more for the guest. How many portion should i order? Use the 80% formula. For example, i will have about 1000 guest on my wedding, so i should provide 800 portion of dishes. Then, use the 60%:40% formula for buffet and food stall. But again, feel free to modify those numbers according to your needs. 

Documentation and Entertainment

Awwwwww :')
Hire a high quality wedding photo or videographer which is still on your budget list. For inspiration Axioo is highly recommended. Find the right concept, technique, style, and toned for further discussion with the chosen vendor. Some vendors offer pre wedding, wedding, and video package which is cheaper. You could also use your family or friends talent to help the professional documented your BIG day. To press the expense, choose a minimalist wedding album. For the outdoor entertainment, try choose an acoustic guitar and cajon performance with a melody that comes out from violin, saxophone, and flute. 

Well, that's all for now.Happy Reading

